After much reworking and hints from the surface, I believe this is complete.
Lately, I find the more I look at a work in progress the more the What if? question comes up. Not in an uncertain is this good vein but more in where will this proposed act take the work. Then you try it and it weakens the visual impact when you retrace your steps backwards, looking for where it went off track, you find the work in a wholly visual context spatially. Then painting/drawing narrative changes in an uncontrolled way opening up a similar but different viewpoint, sometimes closer to the one you hold occulted by a desire for some familiar visual nicety.
Is this a shell of complacency that grows uncomfortable when you stand alone in your studio before your creation? Much like a lobster does an artist have to on occasion climb in seclusion to shed and regrow a larger creative shell. Is that continual critical discomfort necessary for pushing the work to new and possibly more culturally insightful gain?